viernes, 4 de diciembre de 2015

Elections Campaign 2015

Today the political campaign for the 20D elections begins. Some people are calling these elections "the new transition" of our country, and I certainly agree with that. Spain has changed a lot during the last two years: new parties came to the scene, with a refreshed view of our world. People are looking forward to seeing changes and democratic regeneration. This economic crisis plus the insane amount of corruption cases in government both local and general have pushed people to have this desire.

One thing that is almost certain is that the two-party game is over and no party will get an overall majority in the Spanish parliament. Rajoy will tell voters that their money is safe in his hands: that his party takes the credit for Spain's economic recovery and that there is more to do. Some are looking for something new, to take away the politics of the past, but others might opt for more of the same. It is possibly modern Spain's most unpredictable election to date.

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